What is pain management?

Pain management refers to techniques to reduce and control the amount of pain a person experiences over the long term.

There are many ways to manage pain, and not all of them include taking medication.


Physical techniques

Various physical methods can help with managing chronic pain, including physical therapy, hot and cold therapy, massage, and acupuncture.

Hot and cold therapy

Hot and cold therapy is a common and safe technique to reduce pain.

Heat can help relax the muscles and dilate the blood vessels. It can also promote healing after an injury.

Cold therapy reduces blood flow and reduces inflammation that causes pain. It often involves applying an ice pack wrapped in a towel to the skin.


Massage is a type of soft-tissue manipulation. People may benefit from this technique when used with other pain management treatments, such as physical therapy and pain medication.

The benefits of massage include:

  • relaxation
  • increased flexibility
  • reduced inflammation
  • improved posture
  • improved circulation
  • reduced stiffness

2007 reviewTrusted Source on massage found that it may be effective for lower back pain. However, there is mixed evidence from examining its benefits for other chronic pain types.

Physical therapy

Physical therapy involves physical techniques to strengthen and stretch the muscles and joints. It can relieve pain throughout the body, while the specific methods will vary by body part.

Therapeutic exercise can have long-term benefits for chronic pain, including helping people cope.

Techniques may involve massage, exercise plans, and red light therapy.


Acupuncture involves a practitioner applying thin needles to the skin at precise points in the body.

According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative HealthTrusted Source, evidence suggests this technique could help people manage certain pain conditions.

This includes short-term relief from pain in the lower back, neck, knee, and osteoarthritis. However, there is little evidence to suggest it is effective over the long term.

The proposed benefits of acupuncture are:

  • pain relief
  • reduced inflammation
  • relaxation
  • reduced muscle spasms

Acupuncture is generally safe when performed by trained practitioners using sterile needles.


Reference: MedicalNewsToday

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